
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (September 20)
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There are 10 quotes on this date.

It's in our economic interest that we continue to open up markets in our neighborhood, particularly with a nation that is growing like yours. And yet, we can't get a vote out of Congress. I've been asking the Democrat leadership in Congress for a vote, and they've consistently blocked the vote.
Dubya singles out the "Democrat leadership" with an intentional wording choice reminiscent of many previous instances, White House, Sep. 20, 2008

I thought an interesting comment was made when somebody said to me, I heard somebody say, now where's Mandela? Well, Mandela's dead, because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas.
This one starts out weird, and never looks back. And at the time of this quote, Nelson Mandela was alive and Saddam Hussein was dead. White House, Sep. 20, 2007

REPORTER: Do you think there's a risk of a recession? How do you rate that?
DUBYA: You know, you need to talk to economists. I think I got a B in Econ 101. I got an A, however, in keeping taxes low.
How charming. He left out the A+ for deficit spending, though. And for the record, he actually got a C- in Econ 101. White House, Sep. 20, 2007

REPORTER: Mr. President, back to your grade point average on holding the line on taxes
DUBYA: Whew, I thought you were going to talk about the actual grade point average. I remind people that, like when I'm with Condi I say, she's the PhD and I'm the C-student, and just look at who's the President and who's the advisor.
Yes, I believe he's done that more than once. White House, Sep. 20, 2007

So, welcome to Washington, D.C. I think this is our fifth visit. Every time, I've left our visits inspired by your vision.
Welcome offered to President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority, New York, New York, Sep. 20, 2006

We'll get the debris removed, get the water up and running and get the bridges rebuilt. But what you need to do is develop a blueprint for your own future. We look forward to hearing your vision so we can more better do our job.
Dubya offers a double comparative to show he means business, and adds "hearing your vision" for good measure, Gulfport, Mississippi, Sep. 20, 2005

Forty-three days before the election, my opponent has now suddenly settled on a proposal for what to do next, and it's exactly what we're currently doing. We're working with the international partners. We're training Iraqi troops. We're reconstructing the reconstructing the company. We're preparing for elections.
I'm pretty sure that John Kerry has never called for "reconstructing the company", Derry, New Hampshire, Sep. 20, 2004

It breaks my heart to see the loss of innocent life and to see brave troops in combat lose their life. It just breaks my heart. But I understand what's going on. These people are trying to shake the will of the Iraqi citizens, and they want us to leave. That's what they want us to do. And I think the world would be better off if we did leave. If we didn't if we left, the world would be worse.
Another brilliant slip of the tongue, Derry, New Hampshire, Sep. 20, 2004

Nobody can threaten this country. Oh, they may be able to bomb a buildings...
Huh? Speech to joint session of Congress, Washington, D.C., Sep. 20, 2001

I want each and every American to know for certain that I'm responsible for the decisions I make, and each of you are as well.
Wow, if only we had some level of influence over him, given that we're responsible, On "Live With Regis", Sep. 20, 2000

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