
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (May 20)
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There are 8 quotes on this date.

You know, I don't think a photo inspires murderers. I think they're inspired by an ideology that is so barbaric and backwards that it's hard for many in the Western world to comprehend how they think.
A characteristic display of Dubya's concept of cultural sensitivity, Meeting with Danish Prime Minister, White House, May 20, 2005

REPORTER: What is your reaction to the news about the South Koreans on embryonic
DUBYA: I'm first, I'm very concerned about cloning. I worry about a world in which cloning becomes acceptable. Secondly, I made my position very clear on embryonic stem cells. I'm a strong supporter of adult stem cell research, of course. But I made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers' money to promote science which destroys life in order to save life is I'm against that.
Side note: embryonic stem cell research actually utilizes genetic material otherwise destined for destruction by fertility clinics, so the destruction will actually continue regardless of the whether the research does or not. White House, May 20, 2005

And I call upon the Iraqi people to reject violence, band together to insist that the country move toward a peaceful tomorrow. Iraq is changing for the better. I mean, look at the soccer team.
Yes, he's actually pointing to the success of the Iraqi national soccer team as progress in Iraq, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

I respect people. I respect their religion. I respect human rights. I respect human dignity. And that's the kind of society I know will grow up in Iraq.
Dubya coming across as Iraq's daddy, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

This is historic times.
A repeat performance of this odd expression, heard also on Oct. 8, 2003, and later on Jun. 1, 2004, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

It's essential that we be successful at transforming the police force into and the forces that are there to protect infrastructure into a viable force which works, with a good command structure, an Iraqi command structure, so that projects can forward.
Almost understandable, but not quite, Washington, D.C., May 20, 2004

I also challenge Cuba's government to ease its stranglehold, to change its stranglehold on private economic activity.
Apparently some strangleholds are better than others, White House, May 20, 2002

Show the world you respect Cuban citizens enough to listen to your citizens and count their votes.
Prime example of the pot calling the kettle black in speech chastizing the Cuban regime for not being able to do what the U.S. likewise couldn't do in the 2000 presidential election, Miami, Florida, May 20, 2002

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