
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (May 4)
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There are 10 quotes on this date.

Jarrett wasn't alone that night. As you well know, many of your family members rushed to Greenburg from nearby counties and other states to offer love and support.
While delivering the commencement address for graduating seniors at Greensburg High School, Dubya gets the name of their city wrong. Greensburg, Kansas, May 4, 2008

I I'm honored to be here with the Eternal General of the United States, mi amigo, Alberto Gonzales.
Dubya gets the title of Attorney General all wrong, but somehow manages to capture the essence of the tenure of Alberto Gonzales. White House, May 4, 2007

In my travels across the great land, a comment that I hear often from our fellow citizens is, "Mr. President, I pray for you and your family." It's amazing how many times a total stranger walks up and says that to me. You'd think they'd say, "How about the bridge?" Or, "How about filling the potholes?" No, they say, "I've come to tell you I pray for you, Mr. President."
Dubya can't resist from a pothole reference in his touching account of how everyone prays for him, White House, May 4, 2006

I was not pleased that Hamas has refused to announce its desire to destroy Israel.
I think Hamas has consistently announced its desire, but hasn't renounced its desire, which is presumably what Dubya is hoping for. White House, May 4, 2006

After all, the people of Latvia, of all people, ought to understand what it means to live under the subjugation of a doctrine that doesn't allow for freedom... And when 8.5 million people went to vote in Iraq, that sent a clear message that said we will not let the terrorists intimidate us. We want to be free just like people in the Balkans used to speak, we want to be free. You know, our country had a great history with the Baltics
Balkans, Baltics, what's the difference? Interview with Latvian National Television, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2005

I remember sitting in the town standing in the town square, and it was very interesting, seeing a lot of older Lithuanians with tears in their eyes. I guess they never thought they'd see the day where the American President came. It touched my heart a lot. And then I saw a lot of young Lithuanians wondering what the heck the American President was all about you know, they kind of so it was a very touching visit.
Yes, very touching commentary, too, Dubya... Washington, D.C., May 4, 2005

I saw a threat in Afghanistan. I looked at the intelligence and saw a threat. The Congress looked at the intelligence. Members of both political parties looked at that same intelligence and saw and threat. The United Nations Security Council looked at the intelligence and it saw a threat. The United Nations Security Council, like me, remembered we saw more than a threat, we remembered that Saddam Hussein had used weapons of mass destruction against his own people and against his neighborhood, that Saddam Hussein professed hatred for America, that he had terrorist ties, that he paid suiciders to kill innocent citizens in the Middle East. We remembered all that.
I'll leave Dubya's repeat usage of the non-word "suicider" alone this time, and instead direct your attention to the first sentence of the quote, Lebanon, Ohio, May 4, 2004

You can't tax the rich enough to pay for his promises. Guess who he's going to tax? He's going to tax me and you.
This is perhaps one of the funniest things I've ever heard Dubya say. Dubya isn't rich... he's middle class just like you and me. Lebanon, Ohio, May 4, 2004

He's had some chance to grab the peace and hasn't done so in the past, and therefore he has let down the Palestinian people.
Some grammatical contortion work in reference to Yasser Arafat, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2002

We are both deeply committed to helping the entire American familia achieve prosperity and live in peace.
No grammatical mistakes in this quote, per se, but it is nevertheless jarring with the Spanish word "familia" suddenly interjected, President's radio address, May 4, 2002

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