
Quotes - This Day in Dubya History (May 19)
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There are 7 quotes on this date.

Social Security is in pretty good shape for baby boomers. As a matter of fact, we're the problem. We're getting ready to retire just so happens I turn 62 in 2008, which is a convenient age.
What's convenient about being 62? Highland Heights, Kentucky, May 19, 2006

I anticipated this three years ago. I asked my team to put together a strategy to make us less dependent upon foreign sources of energy. I submitted that plan to the United States Congress... For example, had ANWR been passed had it not been vetoed in the past, we anticipate an additional barrels of oil would have been coming out of that part of the world, which would obviously have a positive impact for today's consumers.
Sorry, this may come across as political, but I have to play the fact checker here... Had ANWR been passed in Dubya's first year in office, we would still be seven years away from getting any oil, as industry estimates on the lead time for ANWR is ten years, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2004

You just interrupted a conversation about how we're working on a strategy to help the Iraqis become a free nation.
Odd wording offered at the start of a press conference, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2004

President [Arroyo] and I also reviewed the developments with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front MLIF. That group must abandon the path of violence.
Even if called by the wrong acronym, White House, May 19, 2003

REPORTER: And about the MILF your offer of assistance in the MILF problem...
DUBYA: Well, my offer of assistance, it depends upon the MLIF choosing peace as a peaceful reconciliation of issues. If they continue to want to use terror and force, we will be involved to the extent that the President invites us to be involved, within the constitution of the Philippine government.
Dubya's sticking to his acronym, come hell or high water, White House, May 19, 2003

First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill.
Presenting common sense as if it were something to be noted, but I guess it's a good thing that he knows this, White House, May 19, 2003

Do you have blacks, too?
Question posed to Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, with no hint of sarcasm or jest (reported in Der Spiegel May, 19, 2002), Washington, D.C., May 19, 2002

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