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  1. (Found in the 100% Pure Dubya quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    In this decisive year, you and I will make choices that determine both the future and the character of our country. We will choose to act confidently in pursuing the enemies of freedom or retreat from our duties in the hope of an easier life. ...Every step toward freedom in the world makes our country safer so we will act boldly in freedom's cause. Far from being a hopeless dream, the advance of freedom is the great story of our time. ...We're writing a new chapter in the story of self-government with women lining up to vote in Afghanistan, and millions of Iraqis marking their liberty with purple ink, and men and women from Lebanon to Egypt debating the rights of individuals and the necessity of freedom. ...And we do not forget the other half in places like Syria and Burma, Zimbabwe, North Korea, and Iran because the demands of justice, and the peace of this world, require their freedom, as well. No one can deny the success of freedom, but some men rage and fight against it. ...We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it. ...[We're] helping the Iraqi government to fight corruption and build a modern economy, so all Iraqis can experience the benefits of freedom. And third we're striking terrorist targets while we train Iraqi forces that are increasingly capable of defeating the enemy. Iraqis are showing their courage every day, and we are proud to be their allies in the cause of freedom. ...Ultimately, the only way to defeat the terrorists is to defeat their dark vision of hatred and fear by offering the hopeful alternative of political freedom and peaceful change. ...Tonight, let me speak directly to the citizens of Iran. America respects you, and we respect your country. We respect your right to choose your own future and win your own freedom. ...In all these areas from the disruption of terror networks, to victory in Iraq, to the spread of freedom and hope in troubled regions we need the support of our friends and allies. ...American leaders from Roosevelt to Truman to Kennedy to Reagan rejected isolation and retreat, because they knew that America is always more secure when freedom is on the march. ...Together, let us protect our country, support the men and women who defend us, and lead this world toward freedom. ...America is a great force for freedom and prosperity. ...Before history is written down in books, it is written in courage. Like Americans before us, we will show that courage and we will finish well. We will lead freedom's advance.
    On the Dubya freedom scale, this speech claims third prize, falling short of the 2005 State of the Union and his 2005 inaugural address, 2006 State of the Union Address, Jan. 31, 2006
  2. (Found in the Dubya at War quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    The terrorist Zarqawi sums up their appeal this way. Anyone who stands in the way of our struggle is our enemy and target of the swords. That's the sum of his grim vision.
    Not to equate him with the terrorists, but doesn't this grim vision sound incredibly similar to Dubya's doctrine of being "either with us or against us"? Nampa, Idaho, Aug. 24, 2005
  3. (Found in the Dubya at War quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    [Responding to reporter] It's interesting you said "the next phase of the war against terror." Almost every day is a new phase, in some ways, because we're reminding different countries which may be susceptible to Al Qaeda, that you're either with us or against us. And so we're constantly working on bolstering confidence amongst some nations which may sometimes forget that either you're with us or you're with the terrorists. That's kind of a that's a phase, I guess you could say. Phase one was Afghanistan, phase two is to make sure that other countries don't become places for training or places where the Al Qaeda think they can hide.
    I'm losing count of the phases, but it looks like Dubya ends up agreeing with the reporter's wording, Press conference with President of Poland, White House, Jul. 17, 2002
  4. (Found in the Dubya on Education quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    It's important for you all to understand that when our country speaks, that we mean it, and we do what we say. I said either you're with us or you're against us. I meant that.
    Seemingly giving an ultimatim to the high schoolers he's addressing, Rufus King High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 8, 2002
  5. (Found in the 100% Pure Dubya quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    At the beginning of this war, I made it very clear as clear as a fellow from Texas could make it either you're with us or you're against us.
    Backhandedly (and incorrectly) patting himself on the shoulders for being able to clearly say something, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Mar. 15, 2002

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