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  1. (Found in the Dubya the Grammarian quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    REPORTER: The accounting procedures at Harken and Aloha have been compared to what went on at Enron. Would you agree with that?
    DUBYA: No.
    REPORTER: Why not, sir?
    DUBYA: Well, again, this is uhh there was no malfeance involved. This was a honest disagreement about uhh accounting procedures. And the SEC took a good look at it, and decided that the procedures used by the auditors, and the accounting firm, uhh needed to were not the right procedure in this particular case, or the right ruling, and, therefore, asked Harken to restate earnings, which it did. I mean, that's the way the SEC works. That's the proper role of an oversight group. There was no malfeance, no attempt to hide anything. It was just a accounting firm making a decision, along with the the corporate officers, as to how to account for a complex transiction.
    Yes, the first "MBA President" referring to the word "malfeasance" as "malfeance" (twice) in a press conference, in addition to exhibiting characteristic problems differentiating the proper use of "a" and "an", plus: "transiction". White House, Jul. 8, 2002
  2. (Found in the Dubya the Economist quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    If you're running your company, by the way, you're responsible for fully disclosing your assets and your liabilities. And that's what and it's happening, it's happening.
    Oddly emphatic statement that Dubya has offered up many times following the start of the Enron scandal, Washington, D.C., Jun. 13, 2002
  3. (Found in the Dubya on the Presidency quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    It's an encroachment on the executive branch's ability to conduct business.
    Response to investigators asking for the names of Enron executives who met with him in energy policy meetings, and apparently stating a new doctrine on the purpose of the executive branch, "conducting business", White House, Jan. 28, 2002
  4. (Found in the Dubya the Grammarian quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    There has been a couple of contacts with people in my Cabinet. And my Cabinet officers said, no help here. And we're starting an investigation before anybody started paying attention to Enron.
    Grammatically painful attempt to spin America's largest bankruptcy, Belle, West Virginia, Jan. 22, 2002
  5. (Found in the 100% Pure Dubya quote category) : Permalink to this quote
    55 years old. Wow! That is really old. Thank goodness you have such a young, beautiful wife.
    Birthday card to Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay (how ironic that his birthday falls on tax day), Apr. 15, 1997

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